Wolverine 실험 프로젝트는 AI를 사용하여 즉시 코드를 "재생성"합니다.

Developer BioBootloader has unveiled an AI-powered Wolverine experimental project that gives Python programsthe ability to regenerate,” just like the Marvel superhero of the same name.

To fix the code, Wolverine uses the GPT-4 language model.

Run your scripts with it, and if they crash, GPT-4 edits them and explains what went wrong. Even if you have a lot of errors, it will restart until everything is fixed.BioBootloader explains on 트위터.

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In the demo video, the BioBootloader developer shows a window with Python code on the left and Wolverine output on the right. It loads its own calculator script, which has a few bugs on purpose, and then executes it.

[Wolverine] launches it, sees a failure, and then turns to GPT-4 to try and figure out how to fix it.says BioBootloader.

마지막으로, GPT-4 returns an explanation of the errors found, shows the changes it is trying to make, and then restarts the program. Having found new errors, the AI again corrects the code, which eventually works correctly, and as a result, the source file contains the changes made by Wolverine.

The project code is already available on GitHub, and the developer says the technique can be applied to other programming languages as well.

Wolverine requires an OpenAI API key for GPT-3.5 or GPT-4, which is available by subscription only. The GPT 3.5 API is currently open to anyone with an OpenAI account, however access to GPT-4 is still limited to a waiting list.

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