공짜 봇(Freebie Bot)은 웹에서 가격이 잘못된 제품을 검색합니다.

Experts from the company Kasada, specializing in protection against bot attacks, said that on the eve of the season of sales and holidays, the activity of Freebie Bot bots is growing on the network.

Such bots look for products and services with the wrong price on the websites of stores, and then purchase them in large quantities before the error is corrected.

우리도 그렇게 썼다는 것을 상기시켜 드리겠습니다. 포르피엑스 봇넷이 전송됩니다 30,000 시간당 섹스토션 편지, 그리고 그것도 구찌 bot infects IoT devices in Europe.

According to analysts, 이상 250 retail companies have already been affected by the activity of such bots, while more than 7 million messages are sent to Freebie communities every month.

예를 들어, members of one popular community used the Freebie Bot to purchase nearly 100,000 items in one month for a total retail value of $3.4 million. The researchers say that Freebie Bot users paid only $882 for the purchases, but for some people, such shopping have helped to make a profit of more than $100,000 per month.

The most popular items bought for next to nothing with the Freebie Bot included cheap dresses, clearing face masks, 그리고 사과 MacBook Air laptops. Pricing errors were most often due to incorrect placement of the decimal separator, resulting indiscountsof up to 99% off the normal value of items.

Using the automation and speed of the Freebie Bot to quickly buy more items at the wrong prices, the scammers then resell those items for a huge profit.

Sam Crowther

Sam Crowther

Kasada says that such bots directly affect retailersrevenues, since retailers are legally forced to fulfil orders even if an error was made in the price of the goods.

It has become very easy for anyone to acquire and use a bot, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for retailers to identify and stop them. Online shoppers can get goods worth hundreds of thousands of dollars for next to nothing and then reap huge profits from reselling them. Combined with rising infrastructure costs to support bot-generated traffic, these attacks are taking a toll on the retail sector’s balance sheet.말한다 Sam Crowther, founder and CEO of Kasada.

그런데, various cyber-frauds in connection with Black Friday have become the norm in recent years.

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