Liberar e renovar endereço IP em 2022

Release/Renew IP address stands for a process that can assist to resolve network connectivity problems. It can be accomplished using the Command Line on Windows or System Preferences on Mac OS. Release and Renewing IP address implies reassigning the lease of the DHCP IP address of the host device and stating a request for a new IP address. In the first place, the ipconfig /release command is applied to reassign the current IP lease and transmit the server a DHCP alert to notify the old IP address as vacant. The second command –ipconfig /renewasks for a new IP address.

The aforesaid commands assist to solve network connectivity issues that occur due to expired IP addresses or other insignificant system malfunctions. It can assist in resolving IP-related troubles and recover a fully-functioning network connection immediately.
After the Release/Renew IP commands, the Flush DNS command normally follows, which cleans the DNS cache and submits requests to apply new IP address details.

Follow the tutorial below to release and renew IP addresses on Windows 11/10/7, Mac, and Linux devices. Ensure your network adapter is properly set to Obtain an IP address automatically. De outra forma, the aforesaid commands won’t function as they should.

How to Release and Renew IP Address on Windows, Mac, Linux

janelas 11/10/8

To release and renew IP address on Windows 10, 8.1 ou 8, implement the milestones provided below.

  1. In Windows 11/10/8, apply Windows search to locate Prompt de comando.
  2. Clique com o botão direito on Prompt de comando e escolha Executar como administrador comando. Prompt de comando - Executar como administrador
  3. Em Controle de conta de usuário janela, escolher Sim.
  4. Em DMC, especificamos ipconfig /release e bateu Digitar.
  5. Após, especificamos ipconfig /renew e bateu Digitar. ipconfig /release
  6. Take time until the DHCP server sets a new IP address for your device.

janelas 7 and Vista

Refer to these milestones to apply ipconfig /release and ipconfig/renew commands on janelas 7 or Vista.

  1. Vá para Windows menu, afterwards specify cmd in Windows search field.
  2. Clique com o botão direito on the Prompt de comando area and select Executar como administrador in the menu. cmd Windows 7
  3. Em User Account Window, selecione Sim.
  4. Neste ponto, type the following command in the Command Prompt: ipconfig /release e bateu Digitar.
  5. Specify ipconfig /renew e bateu Digitar. ipconfig /renew

Mac OS

  1. Go to the Apple logo in the upper-left area of the screen and choose System Preferences. Apple System Preferences
  2. Neste ponto, prossiga para Network. Apple Network
  3. In the left area, escolher Wi-Fi ou Ethernet (based on which one you’re applying). Afterwards select Advanced… button on the right area of the Network cardápio. Apple Wi-Fi Advanced
  4. Escolher TCP/IP tab. Neste ponto, you may notice that Configure IPv4 is tuned to Using DHCP. Selecione Renew DHCP Lease botão.
  5. Take time until you notice a change in IPv4 address. The process is fully accomplished.


The tutorial below gives an identical example of ipconfig /release and ipconfig /renew commands on Linux. Follow these milestones to encourage DHCP Client to Renew IP Address.

  1. Use the CTRL+ALT+T hotkey to open Terminal on Linux.
  2. In Terminal, especificamos sudo dhclient – r e bateu Digitar to vacate the present IP.
  3. Após, especificamos sudo dhclient e bateu Digitar to obtain a new IP address via DHCP server.Linux/Ubuntu sudo dhclient – r

Useful DNS Resolver Commands for Windows

Apart from the Renew and Release IP commands, you might have to or require to apply some of the commands mentioned below.

  1. ipconfig /flushdns. Such command assist in clearing the DNS Resolver cache to make sure that the new IP data is fetched immediately.
  2. ipconfig /registerdns. Such a command refreshes all available DHCP leases and registers DNS names from the beginning.
  3. ipconfig /displaydns. Indicates available contents located in DNS Resolver Cache.

Fix IPconfig release renew not working

IPConfig /Release and /Renew commands function only if your network adapter is tuned to call out the IP address automatically. To say it otherwise, you ought to have DHCP activated. You can set these parameters by means of Windows Network and Sharing Center.

  1. Prossiga para Centro de Rede e Compartilhamento, depois escolha Change adapter settings.
  2. Clique com o botão direito your network adapter and start Propriedades.
  3. Locate Internet Protocol Version 4 ( TCP /IPv4) e escolha Propriedades.
  4. Escolher Obtain IP Address automatically e selecione OK to apply changes.

Sobre o autor

Valdis Kok

engenheiro de segurança, engenharia reversa e forense de memória

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