Microsoft、Windowsを修復へ 10 “CPU 使用率が高い” バグ

Microsoft’s September patch set not only eliminated 79 脆弱性, 17 of which were critical, but also resolved the problem of sudden CPU load when using Cortana’s voice assistant.

This bug has annoyed Windows 10 バージョン 1903 users for the past two weeks. 幸いなことに, Microsoft has acknowledged the problem. The cause of the atypical hopping load was the process of SearchUI.exe.

Complaints about the use of excessive CPU resources began to crumble literally after the KB4512941 patch was installed.

Recall that the problematic update was released on August 30.

It’s funny that with KB4512941, Microsoft initially wanted to fix a number of other bugs, but in fact created new ones.

Earlier, the corporation had promised to cope with the excessive consumption of CPU resources in mid-September. 実際には, developers have done this even beforethe 10th.



セキュリティエンジニア, リバースエンジニアリングとメモリフォレンジック
